New Beauty

New Beauty

Your Dental Age Your mouth is a complex combination of systems involving teeth, gums, bone, muscles and joints. Your gums regenerate, your bone is under constant changes and pressures, your muscles are constantly pulled and restrained, and your teeth either lead or follow depending where your oral health has been and where you are now. This means that treatment can be simple or complex depending on your existing conditions and whatever treatment you chose can influence your needs in the future. Through preventative and intervention treatments and oral hygiene instructions you should be able to gain control of your oral health.  

Dr. Claudia Cotca will provide you with a complete examination and analysis of your mouth, which includes teeth analysis, gingiva (gum) and bone evaluation, TMJ, jaws, facial muscles, and oral cancer screening. She will make recommendations for at-home and in-office oral health care as appropriate to mouth, teeth, and gums, to your type and your degree of damage and other causes of premature defects. 

Teeth, Gums in Your 20s This is the prime of your teeth’s life. You may not see the signs of aging yourself, but that doesn't mean you won't go through these changes.  You may have had orthodontic treatment (braces), and other occlusal (bite) treatments to align your teeth and balance your muscles. However, this is the time to think about preventative care. Ongoing maintenance is necessary with focus on gums, teeth, and occlusal forces (bite.) Retainers are necessary to be evaluated for fit and remade regularly depending on wear. Occlusal guards, nightguards, and sometimes deprogrammers may be recommended and maintained with regular follow up. For those with genetic predisposition to decay and periodontal disease your current restorations and other treatment will need regular follow up and maintenance. Oral hygiene regimen will extend the longevity of health, and will make it more difficult for decay and inflammation to develop.

Teeth, Gums in Your 30s Here is when people generally begin to see the first signs of aging. What you may have passed in your 20s for imagination, may be an undeniable recognition of a change in occlusal forces (bite), bruxism (grinding), clenching, or TMD (Temporomandibilar Disorder.) You may notice generalized staining or isolated spots, darkening of a restoration (filling), margins of crown or veneer, recession (root exposure) of your gums, which may or may not be accompanied by sensitivity to temperature changes or touch like a toothbrush. Women may specifically note certain changes in their gums which may be related to birth control pills, or pregnancy. Increased frequency in dental cleanings would be the thing to consider here.  How and when you brush may make the difference here when your 20s may appear to have been more forgiving. Dr. Cotca will share with you her technique based and drawn on existing research, including dental products which may prove to be more sought after than before.  

Teeth, Gums in Your 40s Once you enter your forties, you may notice significant wear on your teeth, restorations (fillings) which may have failed already, movement or migration of your gum line, possible bone loss, spaces between your teeth, crowding, and your mouth seeming to collapse, muscle soreness, yellow staining, and sensitivity. Here you may consider restorative intervention, periodontal treatment, occlusal rehabilitation, and muscle deprogramming as your choice of treatment. More aggressive care is necessary to complement the dental therapies recommended for balanced dental oral health.

Teeth, Gums in Your 50s Age 50 is a more pronounced stage of your 40s. Numerous treatments are recommended here combining prevention and intervention oral and dental treatments.  Here some perceived notions of what is health, play a misleading role in making you think oral health and a young smile is not an achievable goal. Custom treatments involving periodontal treatment, custom teeth whitening and conditioning, replacing old coroded crowns, bridges, and implants are options you may need to consider.

Teeth, Gums in Your 60s Age 60 may have brought on loss of dentition in addition to all the nuances already mentioned in your 40s and 50s. Implants, bridges, and other restorative prosthetics will allow you to be able to regain chewing capabilities you may have lost to various degrees. Dry mouth, a phenomenon associated with some medications, history of radiation therapy, or diminished salivary gland function may have altered the composition and flow of your saliva, which in turn may affect your oral microflora, the strength of your teeth, and the susceptibility to caries.  Systemic chronic conditions, like diabetes, radiation and other cancer treatments have shown to have an impact on your oral health and appropriate preparation for undergoing oncologic treatment is recommended for keeping your teeth healthy. While many systemic conditions present with manifestations in the oral cavity, many of the same conditions also cause imbalances that can affect your gums, teeth, and mouth.  A doctor like Dr. Claudia Cotca can help in addressing your oral health needs in light of your systemic conditions.

No matter what your age Washington Institute Dentistry & Laser Surgery® can help you achieve a healthy, natural and youthful smile balanced by dental and oral health. REQUEST A CONSULTATION.

Disclaimer: The cosmetic dental information on this website is provided by the Washington Institute for Dentistry & Laser Surgery. This site is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical/dental advice. If you are interested in learning more about Snap-On-Smile, Laser Dentistry, Porcelain Crowns & Veneers or any other cosmetic dental procedure, please contact our Washington DC Dentist today for a consultation.